We are very pleased that our new article ‘The not-yet-tropical: mapping recombinant ecologies in a Sydney suburb’ is published online in Visual Communication. This article is part of a special issue on ‘Recombinant Ecologies in the City’ which comes out in August.

In this article, we write about the project Marrickville Walks which tracked papayas, bananas and dragonfruit.

 An embodied perspective has facilitated the analysis of the ways recombinant ecologies can be made present in cities: by suggesting mapping devices that are imprecise, and invite a slowing down and reconfiguration of one’s own position in the environment; by letting plants guide us in urban walks; and, finally, by paying attention to how plants contribute to the ways we see and imagine our everyday environment … For those of us committed to sustaining recombinant ecologies in cities, there is a need not only for reflection on how we act towards them, but also for an analysis of how we can make them present to others.

Vanni, I. and Crosby, A., 2020. The not-yet-tropical: mapping recombinant ecologies in a Sydney suburb. Visual Communication, p.1470357220915652.