Mapping Edges is a transdisciplinary research studio that explores the relationships between ecologies, people and the urban environment.

Welcome to the Mapping Edges universe.


Mapping Edges specialises in place-based design research. We explore and amplify urban ecologies, at a time when the impact of climate change on our cities calls for a better understanding of the relations between people, nature, culture, and urban space


The ‘edges’ in our name refer to the idea of edge or ecotone as a transition zone between different ecosystems. Elements from these ecosystems make edges rich in biodiversity.

As researchers, we work at the ‘edges’ of research disciplines – design research, ethnography and history – and methodologies to cross-pollinate new ideas. We experiment with edges as transition zones between different ecosystems; interfaces between mediums, projects and processes on the margin of activities where it is possible to cross-pollinate and develop alternatives.



What are recombinant ecologies?

Recombinant ecologies are ecologies that only exist because of human intervention, either deliberate or inadvertent. In Sydney, for example, recombinant ecologies include the banana, papaya, and dragonfruit plants that populate suburban gardens and verges.


What are civic ecologies?

Civic ecologies are the result of deliberate, actions that make connections between people in a particular place. Community gardens, verges tended by residents, and seed exchanges are examples of civic ecologies. Civic Ecologies can make alliances between country, communities, individuals, organizations, local govt, plants, animals, soil, and water.


Our Projects

MappingEdges - The Green Square Atlas of Civic Ecology (2021) landscape

The Green Square Atlas of Civic Ecology (2021)

The Green Square Atlas of Civic Ecology aims to produce a map of the civic environmental practices happening within Sydney’s Green Square precinct.

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Mapping Marickville (2018)

Marrickville Walks produced a series of print-on-demand booklets about the edible gardens of Marrickville. We explored this environmentally and culturally diverse suburb on foot.

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Papayas of Marrickville


The Green Square Atlas of Water Stories

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The Green Square Atlas of Water Stories maps, materialises and activates social and environmental histories and practices of water in Green Square. We invite you to choose a portal through which you can enter the archives and flow through time and space. Be guided by a camellia, a pub sign and a dugong. Take a […]

From photo documentation to photo diagrams: a technique to make civic ecologies present and legible

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The visualization of nature in cities fundamentally impacts how we imagine the urban environment and our role in caring for it. Across Australia, the project of urban renewal imagines and designs specific typologies of urban nature. These typologies can obscure grass root forms of environmental stewardship and their connection through civic ecologies. Yet, at this […]

On Countermapping and codesigning with more-than-humans

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This chapter is published in Feminist Designer, On the Personal and the Political in Design Edited by Alison Place, The MIT Press Book Details


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Published in Environmental Humanities, 2023, 15, (1), pp. 164-167, Duke University Press As a concept, edge has multiple intellectual genealogies, from ecology to business studies and cultural theory.1 In each field it has slightly different connotations, but it maintains a basic shared meaning: it signifies a transition zone between different systems. In this lexicon entry, we explore […]

Place-based methodologies for design research: An ethnographic approach

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The debate about place has long intersected with design studies. Our contribution to interdisciplinary design is to facilitate a dialogue between design and human geography. Grounded in Doreen Massey’s conceptualisation of place as the interrelations of diverse powers, processes and practices, this paper combines ethnographic methods and examples into a succinct place-based methodology for design […]

Planty Design Activism: Alliances with Seeds

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In cities across Australia and elsewhere, individuals and groups are experimenting with initiatives to link urban dwellers to local ecologies and strengthen the relation with and awareness of the environment. Community and street gardens, bush regeneration working bees, botanical and bird-watching expeditions in city parks and green areas are examples of this renewed interest in […]



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